Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Dress Conversion

There have been quite a few postings out there lately channeling Shabby Apple's sort of T-shirt/Skirt/Dress style which looks extremely comfortable and wearable.  I've gotten bit by the bug and decided to try my hand at it. This is how we turned out!

The top is a t-shirt I had gotten quite a while ago from Gap.  I love their t-shirts because thy are nice and long since I have a long torso to cover but I really don't wear blue shirts all that much since I just think it's kinda monochromatic when I wear blue jeans most of the time...seriously I think I have maybe 1 other blue shirt...

Ok, so.  I had already pegged that shirt for a top but had yet to find a bottom.  I pulled a dress out of a "dress-up" box we used to play with as kids and thought that it would do.  It was a brown dress with a tiny flower print that my mom had made for her honeymoon 25 yrs ago now! Congrats Mom and Dad this August!
The skirt portion of the dress was nice and full and had...pockets!  Yay! pockets are the best :)
So I proceeded to separate the bodice (top) from the skirt.  Then because I was planning on using elastic instead of a zipper I needed to take out some of the gathering.  
I'm having a bit of trouble with putting elastic in skirt waists so far.  Many people have referenced being able to sew the elastic directly onto the skirt however when I try to do this it always seems that my elastic gets stretched out and ends up bigger than when I measured it around my waist in the first place! 
Frustrating, but I usually end up sewing it in at the side seam a little...
Ok, so after I got the elastic on the skirt portion, I put the shirt on and marked where I wanted the skirt to come up to.  Cut it off and then attached the shirt to the skirt! Done!
Because I have such a difficult time with the elastic I just wear a belt over the middle where they meet and no one is the wiser...except you readers I guess of course... since I just told you...

Then my sister and I had a photoshoot outside again on just about the hottest day of the year so far...

Because everyone needs a photo of themselves walking down the driveway carrying a rusty bucket of flowers.

This is an everyday, hanging on to the mailbox checking the mail sort of dress...even on Sunday when there is no mail.

Linking up here:


  1. LOL i miss you guys!

    dress looks AWESOME!

  2. This turned out amazing!!!!! Must try. Oh, and btdub, I totally feel the same way about blue shirts!

    PS, can we talk about how I'm super stalking you tonight?!?!

  3. VERY cute dress! I should try that!

  4. Thanks Becca! and thanks for checking out the blog:) I just wanted to let you know that I've hopped on over to your blog too and I've enjoyed reading your thoughts and encouragement! You have alot to offer through your posting!


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